- He's been committed to a private psychiatric hospital in Newark.
他已被收进纽瓦克的一家私立精神病院。 - That is turning Newark into a magnet for education-policy wonks.
MIDI technical note 101. Identification of bacteria by gas chromatography of cellular fatty acids. MIDI, Newark
Role Models and Mentors in Mid-Pipeline Retention of Geoscience Students, Newark, NJ
Jersey Gold: The Newark Overland Company’s Trek to California, 1849. By Margaret Casterline Bowen and Gwendolyn Joslin Hiles
Modeling the Impact of Interventions Along the HIV Continuum of Care in Newark, New Jersey | Clinical Infectious Diseases | Oxford A...
George Gonzales' restaurant & bar, River St. near Newark St. during prohibition.
American Coot (Fulica americana) Nesting near Newark, New Jersey
Michael J. Coyle's(Liquors), corner Newark & Washington St..
The Language of the Law
53rd Year, 5th Issue
THz imaging and sensing for security applications—explosives, weapons and drugs