Combustion characteristics of boron nanoparticles
Ecological speciation
Association of circulating cholesteryl ester transfer protein activity with incidence of cardiovascular disease in the community
Cardiac arrest presenting with rhythms other than ventricular fibrillation: contribution of resuscitative efforts toward total survi...
Dynamic mechanical analysis of banana fiber reinforced polyester composites
Task shifting in HIV/AIDS: opportunities, challenges and proposed actions for sub-Saharan Africa
CXCR3 and CCR5 ligands in rheumatoid arthritis synovium.
Risk factors for acute myocardial infarction in Indians: A case-control study
Lipid abnormalities in uremia, dialysis, and transplantation
High acceptability of voluntary counselling and HIV-testing but unacceptable loss to follow up in a prevention of mother-to-child HI...