- It is a time of newness, of learning and exploration, but most of all a time of joy.
它是一个崭新的时刻,学习和探究,但大部分时候都是欢乐。 - The newness of the situation and the range of decisions you'll face could leave you confused.
你将会面临崭新的环境和范围的决定能让你远离困惑。 - Be open to the newness and significance of each moment.
敞开心扉品味生活中每一份新奇与意趣。 - The concert model provides us with a quantitative estimation method of empirical newness.
Innovation as newness: what is new, how new, and new to whom?
Innovativeness and newness in high‐tech consumer durables
Newness and novelty: Relating top management team composition to new venture performance
Numbers and Newness: The Descriptive and Substantive Representation of Women
The Uncertain Relevance of Newness: Organizational Learning and Knowledge Flows
Heaviness vs. Newness: The Effects of Structural Complexity and Discourse Status on Constituent Ordering
Stakeholder Perceptions of Age and Other Dimensions of Newness.
What about Design Newness? Investigating the Relevance of a Neglected Dimension of Product Innovativeness
Sentential devices for conveying givenness and newness: A cross-cultural developmental study
Customer interactivity and new product performance: Moderating effects of product newness and product embeddedness