instant noodle方便面;速食面;泡面
rice noodle米线
noodle soup面汤,清汤面条
fried noodle炒面;乌东面
- He bolted down a bowl of noodles.
他囫囵吞下一碗面条。 - Chinese food is often served with rice or noodles.
Acid blobs and negative noodles
Asian noodles: History, classification, raw materials, and processing
Discoloration of dough for oriental noodles.
A method of flour quality assessment for Japanese noodles.
Transcriptional activation. Acid blobs and negative noodles.
Starch and Protein Quality Requirements of Japanese Alkaline Noodles (Ramen)
Sigler, P.B. Transcriptional activation. Acid blobs and negative noodles. Nature 333, 210-212
Endosperm starch properties in several wheat cultivars preferred for Japanese noodles
Physicochemical Properties of Australian Flours Influencing the Texture of Yellow Alkaline Noodles
Contribution of starch and non‐starch parameters to the eating quality of japanese white salted noodles