- It was built after they finished work to display their finds and explain the distinct history of the Nubian people.
- It was built after they finished work to display their finds and explain the distinct history of the Nubian people.
Chemical vapor deposition of ZrO 2 and C/ZrO 2 on mullite fibers for interfaces in mullite/aluminosilicate fiber-reinforced compos...
Accretionary growth and crust-formation in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt and comparison with the Arbian-Nubian shield
Applying Patch Use to Assess Aspects of Foraging Behavior in Nubian Ibex
From plume head to continental lithosphere in the Arabian–Nubian shield
Development of the Arabian-Nubian Shield: perspectives on accretion and deformation in the northern East African Orogen and the asse...
The crustal evolution of the Arabo-Nubian Massif with special reference to the Sinai Peninsula
Late Cryogenian–Ediacaran history of the Arabian–Nubian Shield: A review of depositional, plutonic, structural, and tectonic event...
Sutures and shear zones in the Arabian-Nubian Shield
A structural synthesis of the Proterozoic Arabian-Nubian Shield in Egypt
Ophiolites and the evolution of tectonic boundaries in the late proterozoic Arabian—Nubian shield of northeast Africa and Arabia