numeric value数值,数字值
numeric data数字数据
numeric keypad数字小键盘
numeric display[计]数字显示
- American and Australian zip codes are numeric.
美国和澳大利亚的邮递区号是数字的。 - This column contains the host name in either symbolic or numeric format.
在象徵性或数字的格式里,这些纵列包括了主机名称。 - This example returns the square root of a numeric literal.
此示例返回数值的平方根。 - Numeric values formatted to strings using standard and custom format codes.
- The number of digits to the right of the decimal point in a numeric column.
数值列中小数点右边的位数。 - This procedure will sort numeric and string data.
这个程序将排序数字和串数据。 - Matches any single numeric character.
Consistency techniques for numeric CSPs
ChiMerge: discretization of numeric attributes
ChiMerge: Discretization of Numeric Attributes.
Order preserving encryption for numeric data
Order preserving encryption for numeric data
Chi2: Feature Selection and Discretization of Numeric Attributes
Chi2: Feature Selection and Discretization of Numeric Attributes
Correlation-based Feature Selection for Discrete and Numeric Class Machine Learning.
The Metric-FF Planning System: Translating "Ignoring Delete Lists"to Numeric State Variables
The visual analog scale in the immediate postoperative period: intrasubject variability and correlation with a numeric scale.