- The oaf stumbled over the bucket, spilling all the water.
那个笨手笨脚的人绊到了木桶,把水全给泼了。 - You clumsy oaf that's the second glass you've broken today!
Inheritance and expression oaf the cry1Ab gene in Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) transgenic rice
Purification and Characterization oaf n a-1,Z-MannosidaseInvolved in Processing Asparagine-linked Oligosaccharides*
Electrical injection and detection of spin-polarized carriers in silicon in a lateral transport geometry
Electrical injection and detection of spin-polarized carriers in silicon in a lateral transport geometry
Citrus greening disease - a major cause of citrus decline in the world - a review
A Heterodimer of the Zn 2 Cys 6 Transcription Factors Pip2p and Oaf1p Controls Induction of Genes Encoding Peroxisomal Proteins in ...
A Heterodimer of the Zn 2 Cys 6 Transcription Factors Pip2p and Oaf1p Controls Induction of Genes Encoding Peroxisomal Proteins in ...
The valuation of reserves of natural resources: An option pricing approach
The Option Value of Reserves of Natural Resources
Effecfti-oAfmAyplooliidp-oIpnrdoutceeind ETooxnicNityeuirniteDOevuetlgorpoiwngth and Rat Primary Hippocampal Cultures