用作形容词 (adj.)
~+名词- obscene boooks淫秽书刊
- obscene gestures猥亵的姿势
- obscene language淫秽语言
- obscene literature淫秽文学
- obscene suggestion猥亵的暗示
- obscene phone call下流的电话
- No nudity or obscene lyrics in your music are to be used during your routine.
请勿在上台比赛的音乐中加入猥亵或淫秽的曲调或歌词。 - Something, such as language or printed matter, considered obscene , prurient, or immoral.
这本书中有很多淫秽的语言。 - He was taking part in some obscene feast.
他是在参加一个卑鄙猥亵的餐会。 - The protesters shouted some obscene remarks at the police officers.
"The Great Gatsby"and the Obscene WordObscene profits: The entrepreneurs of pornography in the cyber ageThe maculate muse: obscene language in Attic comedyAutomatic System for Filtering Obscene VideoSmut, Erotic Reality/Obscene Ideology by Murray S. DavisNon-obscene complex socially inappropriate behavior in Tourette's syndrome.OBSCENE AND THREATENING TELEPHONE CALLS TO WOMENData from a Canadian National SurveyMale adolescent sexual offenders: exhibitionism and obscene phone calls.6. Obscene Publics: Jesse Sharpless and Harriet Jacobs : Sentimental Bodies Sex, Gender, and Citizenship in the Early RepublicSpectacles of migrant ‘illegality’: the scene of exclusion, the obscene of inclusion