Curious oddments of auditory-nerve studies.
Oddments in dental history: what every sea surgeon of around 1600 ought to know concerning treating teeth
A Note on the Applicability of the Method of Oddments to 3 x 3 Two Person Zero Sum Games
Application of Architectural Oddments in Residential Landscape:Taking Some Residential Districts in Beijing for Examples
Mesofauna influence on hamification process of vegetable oddments with partticipation microarthropod
Study on the Method Which Testing the Quantity of Chloramphenicol Oddments in Shrimp-core by GC-MS / MS
In search of theater translation: the work of the historian in the midst of the scene’s oddments and documentary precariousness
Oddments tray for use in motor vehicle for inserting e.g. mobile phone, has slider movable into two positions and manufactured as se...