- The car is sleek and low like no other offroad vehicle.
Off-road vehicleOff road vehicleOff road vehicleTerramechanics and Off-Road Vehicle Engineering (Second Edition)Obstacle Detection with Stereo Vision for Off-Road Vehicle NavigationSystem and method for controlling the ground speed and enhancing the maneuverability of an off-road vehicleAnytime computation of time-optimal off-road vehicle maneuvers using the RRT*Improving off-road vehicle handling using an active anti-roll barAnytime computation of time-optimal off-road vehicle maneuvers using the RRTOff-road Vehicle and Pedestrian Track Effects on the Sea-approach of Hatchling Loggerhead TurtlesHeavy Off-Road Vehicle Tire-Pavement Interactions and ResponseHardware-in-the-loop simulator of an off-road vehicle electrohydraulic steering system.Positioning an autonomous off-road vehicle by using fused DGPS and inertial navigation