Omphaloskepsis, Abortion, and Marijuana
Omphaloskepsis on Current Trends in Optics
Omphaloskepsis and the Infantilizing of History
Breve elogio de la Omphaloskepsis
Eliot Feld: Choreography Ain't Omphaloskepsis
Omphaloskepsis-Studying the Navel of the Society for Pediatric Pathology/Pediatric Pathology Specialty
Omphaloskepsis of the Federal Appellate Rules Committee: Rule 32(a)(7) of the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure
Laying on my back in a neglected garden, engaged in omphaloskepsis
On the Psychosociology of Knowledge: A Case of Disciplinary Omphaloskepsis
Omphaloskepsis - a homework assignment by Liliya, Age 12 is a short story about what a young girl, Liliya, does over her summer, and...