- Just under half of all mar-riages end in divorce.
几乎二分之一的婚姻是以离婚收场。 - Five over ten can be reduced to one over two.
One-halfRisk factors for Type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus. Thirteen and one-half years of follow-up of the participants in a...Analyzer for accurate estimation of respiratory gases in one-half cubic centimeter samplesThe theory of photons and electrons. The relativistic quantum field theory of charged particles with spin one-halfThe Dorn study of smoking and mortality among U.S. veterans: report on eight and one-half years of observation.Experimental demonstration of a Fermi surface at one-half filling of the lowest Landau levelSurgical and behavioral treatments for vestibulodynia: two-and-one-half year follow-up and predictors of outcome.Structure of a compound with a molybdenum-to-molybdenum bond of order three and one-halfOne-and-one-half-bound dichotomous choice contingent valuation.Rate one-half code for approaching the Shannon limit by 0.1 dB