- The values of the hash are unique for the hashed message, and the hash values will not expose the message since the hash is one way only.
哈希值对于经过哈希处理的消息来说是唯一的,而且由于哈希是单向的,因此哈希值不会暴露消息内容。 - The coin was a little unsupported on one side so I expected a bit of a lopsided result.
银币是有点无依无靠的一方,所以我预期有点片面的结果。 - He often holds one?sided views.
Group sequential methods for clinical trials with a one-sided hypothesis
Mathematical models for cellular interactions in development. I. Filaments with one-sided inputs.
A comparison of the two one-sided tests procedure and the power approach for assessing the equivalence of average bioavailability.
The Generalized Dynamic Factor Model: One-Sided Estimation and Forecasting
A comparison of the two one-sided test procedure and the power approach for assessing the equivalence of coverage bioavailability
Formation of asymmetric one-sided metal-tipped semiconductor nanocrystal dots and rods
Formation of asymmetric one-sided metal
One-Sided Logic in Two-Sided Markets
A Characterization of the (Natural) Graph Properties Testable with One-Sided Error
A Characterization of the (natural) Graph Properties Testable with One-Sided Error