用作形容词 (adj.)
~+名词- open admission开放性注册
- open arms热烈的欢迎
- open chain开链
- open championship公开赛
- open channel明水道
- open charge公开指控
- open city不设防城市
- open classroom开放课堂
- open competition公开竞赛
- open country旷野
- open door门户开放
- open enrollment开放性学校
- open face坦率的面孔
- open field广阔领域
- open fire明火
- open gate敞开的门
- open hand慷慨施舍
- open heart坦率之心
- open letter公开信
- open manner爽直的态度
- open market自由市场
- open mind虚怀若谷
- open port开放港口
- open price公开价格
- open roof露天屋顶
- open sea公海
- open season可以公开打猎的季节
- open secret公开的秘密
- open shop开放工厂
- open space空地
副词+~- constantly open经常开放
- continually open连续开放
- generously open慷慨大方
- helpfully open有助于某人的开放
- indulgently open宽容
- legally open合法开放
- mysteriously open秘密开放
- officially open正式开放
- unconditionally open无条件开放
动词+~- break open摔破,打开
- fly open突然打开
- keep open仍营业,仍开放
- remain open保持开着,继续营业
~+介词- open as the day光明正大
- open for对…开放
- open for business开门营业的
- open into one another(两个房间)是互通的
- open to愿意考虑…的,对…开放的
- open to discussion可以讨论
- open to the public对公众开放的
- open to traffic通车
- open with与…坦诚相待
用作动词 (v.)
~+名词- open a new road开了一条新路
- open a new shop开一家新店
- open an account开户头
- open an office开设一个办事处
- open floodgates打开防洪闸
- open one's eyes睁大眼睛,使某人明白或醒悟
- open one's heart向人倾吐肺腑之言,向人诉说衷情,同情,慷慨帮助
- open one's mind对…吐露心意〔真情〕
- open one's mouth张嘴
- open the company开公司
- open the door打开门
- open the window把窗户打开
~+副词- open abundantly完全打开
- open accidentally意外开设
- open advantageously有利地开设
- open apparently显然开设
- open automatically自动打开
- open bitterly充满仇恨地打开
- open carefully小心翼翼地打开
- open carelessly粗心地打开
- open cautiously慎重地打开
- open cleverly巧妙地开设
- open clumsily拙劣地打开
- open comfortably惬意地开设
- open constantly经常打开
- open contemptuously傲慢地打开
- open conveniently方便地打开
- open decisively果断打开
- open extemporaneously临时地开设
- open formally正式地打开
- open generously慷慨地开设
- open growingly渐渐打开
- open grudgingly勉强地打开
- open hospitably殷勤地打开
- open insistently紧急地打开
- open legally合法开设
- open liberally大量地开设
- open mysteriously神秘地开设
- open officially正式地打开
- open openly公开地打开
- open ostentatiously炫耀地打开
- open personally亲自打开
- open prodigiously奇妙地开设
- open quietly悄悄地打开
- open reluctantly勉强地打开
- open scientifically科学地打开
- open secretly秘密地打开
- open slowly慢慢地打开
- open spectacularly特殊地打开
- open tremulously大胆地打开
- open unconditionally无条件地打开
- open unexpectedly出乎意外地开设
- open unhesitatingly毫不迟疑地打开
- open untimely过早地打开
- open villainously罪恶地开设
- open voluntarily自愿开设
- open widely广泛地开设
- open off通向
- open out伸展开来,变宽,发展,畅谈,展现,开花
- open up开门,完全打开,开业,打开,切开,开发,变宽,开火,开诚布公地说,吐露真情
~+介词- open at开火
- open into通向
- open on展现,开火
- open onto通向,对着
- open to对…开放
open up打开;开发;开始;展示,揭露
in the open在户外;在野外
open the door开门
in open公开地
open source[计]开放源码;开放资源
open space空地;休憩用地;露天场所
open policy开放政策;预定保险单;开口保险单
open pit adj. 露天采矿的
open market公开市场;自由市场
open air n. 露天,户外 , adj. 露天的;野外的
open education开放教育
open system开放系统
wide open完全开放的,大开的;易受攻击的
open to the public向公众开放,公诸于众
open economy开放经济
open door门户开放;进入权
open with以…开始;始于
open on开放;通往
open an account开立帐户
open loop开环
open, unfold
open, blank, vacant, hollow, empty
open, frank, sincere, blunt, honest, plain, straightforward
- The fresh air blew in from the open window.
新鲜空气从开着的窗户吹进来。 - One day, I came home to find my garage open.
有一天,我到家时发现车库的门是开着的。 - She has fall asleep with an open book in her lap.
她睡着了,腿上还摊开着一本书。 - I'm so sleepy that I can hardly keep my eyes open.
我睡意太浓,眼睛都快睁不开了。 - How late are they open for skiing?
滑雪会开放到多晚? - Some of the royal palaces are open to the public.
皇宫内有些地方是向公众开放的。 - I'm not convinced your idea will work, but I'll keep an open mind for the moment.
我还没想通是否你的意见可行,不过我先考虑一下。 - Their love affair is an open secret.
他们的风流韵事是公开的秘密。 - The argument boiled over into open war.
争论演变成了公开的论战。 - The dollar declined on the open market.
美元在公开市场上下跌了。 - These goods are to be procured through open tender.
- Can you open the bottle with the opener?
你能用启子将瓶子打开吗? - Please open a window to allow the air to circulate.
打开窗子让空气流通。 - You may open a current account at a bank.
你可以在银行开立一个活期帐户。 - Another supermarket opened last week.
上星期又有一家超级市场开张了。 - The shops usually open at nine o'clock.
商店一般在九点钟开始营业。 - The story opens with a snowstorm.
故事以一场暴风雪开始。 - The book opens with a quotation.
这本书以引语开头。 - The Queen opens Parliament.
- In the summer, we camped in the open .
夏天我们在户外野营。 - All of his dealings are in the open.
他的一切交易往来都是公开的。 - Now the scandal is out in the open, the President will have a lot of questions to answer.
由于丑事已公开, 总统有许多问题要答覆。
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