- She had known about the scheme for some time, but only opted in at the last minute.
Opt in
Opt In
옵트인(OPT-IN)메일에서 개봉률, 클릭률에 영향을 미치는 요인 분석
Consumer Privacy and Name Removal Across Direct Marketing Channels: Exploring Opt-In and Opt-Out Alternatives
Opt-in electronic mail advertising for internet radio network
On site: to opt-in or opt-out?: it depends on the question
Emergency Department Patient Acceptance of Opt-in, Universal, Rapid HIV Screening
HIV screening in an urban emergency department: comparison of screening using an opt-in versus an opt-out approach
Internet opt-in and opt-out: investigating the roles of frames, defaults and privacy concerns
Opt in or opt out: what is optimal for prenatal screening for HIV infection?