fiber optic adj. 光学纤维的 , n. 光纤,光纤技术
optic nerve视神经
optic cable光缆
fiber optic cable光缆,光纤;纤维光缆的
optic disc视神经盘
optic axis n. 光轴,眼轴;视轴
optic canal视神经管;视管
optic cup视杯
optic disk视(乳头)盘;视神经乳头
- His optic nerve was hurt in an accident.
他的视神经在一次事故中受到损伤。 - The optic experts orchestrated a marvelous team of doctors.
眼科专家安排了一支优秀的医生队伍。 - My daughter has optic nerve hypoplasia and I think this is amazing.
我的女儿就视神经发育不全,我认为这很神奇。 - In all flatfish the optic nerves cross, so that the right optic nerve is joined to the brain’s left side and vice versa.
在所有的比目鱼中,视觉神经都是交叉的,右边的视觉神经连接到大脑的左半部,左边的视觉神经连接到大脑的右半部。 - The refraction effect of light-wave when it propagates in atmosphere brings refraction error to optic radar's measurement.
Micrometre-scale silicon electro-optic modulator.
Self-organizing optic-cup morphogenesis in three-dimensional culture.
IgG marker of optic-spinal multiple sclerosis binds to the aquaporin-4 water channel.
The relationship between optic disc area and open-angle glaucoma: the Baltimore Eye Survey.
Homodyne demodulation scheme for fiber optic sensors using phase generated carrier
Chaos-based communications at high bit rates using commercial fibre-optic links
Design and synthesis of chromophores and polymers for electro-optic and photorefractive applications
Low (Sub-1-volt) halfwave voltage polymeric electro-optic modulators achieved by controlling chromophore shape
Xu, Q. , Schmidt, B. , Pradhan, S. & Lipson, M. Micrometre-scale silicon electro-optic modulator. Nature 435, 325-327
Lennon VA, Kryzer TJ, Pittock SJ, Verkman AS, Hinson SRIgG marker of optic-spinal multiple sclerosis binds to the aquaporin-4 water ...