- Show me the original sample, please.
请把原样给我看看。 - The building is restored to its original form by the local people.
original sample
original sample
On the Treatment of Non-Original Sample Members in the German Household Panel Study (SOEP) - Tracing, Weighting, and Frequencies
Survival with Rett syndrome: comparing Rett's original sample with data from the Australian Rett Syndrome Database.
Quality standards in Biobanking: authentication by genetic profiling of blood spots from donor's original sample
Sensitivity of the Halstead and Wechsler Test Batteries to brain damage: Evidence from Reitan's original validation sample.
Face recognition based on the fusion of original sample and virtual sample
Disclosing the Firing Protocol of Athenian Pottery Production: A Raman and Colorimetric Study of Replicates and Original Samples
Disclosing the Firing Protocol of Athenian Pottery Production: A Raman and Colorimetric Study of Replicates and Original Samples
377791 Effective Thermal Conductivity of Packed Beds and Benefit of in-Situ W ALD: Original Sample Preparation Technique