- The islands are an ornithologist's paradise and a vacationer's delight.
群岛是鸟类学家的天堂,度假者的乐园。 - The ornithologist will take you ashore and help you identify different species of birds.
Check-list of North American birds
The birds of North America
The A.O.U. checklist of North American birds. 3rd ed.
A new dictionary of birds
Journal of Field Ornithology
Note on the occurrence of Finsch's Bulbul on Sumatra
Breeding of the Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus. III. Weather, Nest Quality and Breeding Success
Little Penguins Eudyptula minor in Victoria: Past, Present and Future
The Blue Jay: Cyanocitta Cristata
Pollination by birds of native plants in South Australia