ostiolar peritreme[昆]臭腺孔缘
Secretory structures at syconia and flowers of Ficus enormis (Moraceae): A specialization at ostiolar bracts and the first report o...Microscopic observations of the ostiolar bracts in some South African examples of the genus Ficus L. (Moraceae)The epithet denticiliatum refers to the denticulate apices of the ostiolar hyphae.: Origin of the central and ostiolar cavities in pycnidia of certain fungus parasites of fruitsThree species of Hypocrea with stipitate stromata and Trichoderma anamorphs.A scanning electron microscopic study of the external features of peri...Ascospore discharge in the annulate form of Hypoxylon truncatumReview of Thoreyella Spinola with the description of two new species from Brazil (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae)Four new species of Trichoderma with hyaline ascospores in the Brevicompactum and Longibrachiatum cladesDiversity of fig glands is associated with nursery mutualism in fig trees.