- He referred all his troubles to bad luck.
他将他的一切麻烦都归因于运气不好。 - I do not seem to have any luck today.
Out of Luck
Out of Luck?
Out of luck.
Out of Luck: Poor Australians and Social Welfare, 1788-1988 by Stephen Garton
Out of luck : poor Australians and social welfare 1788-1988
Out of Role? Out of Luck: The Influence of Race and Leadership Status on Performance Appraisals
Restructuring is the key to Leap's future: shareholders out of luck following telecom firm's declaration of bankruptcy. (Technology ...
Medicare DRGs and post-hospital care for the elderly: does out of the hospital mean out of luck?
Out of Jail and Out of Luck: The Effect of Negligent Hiring Liability and the Criminal Record Revolution on an Ex-Offender's Employm...
sick out of luck: the uninsured in america
Out of work, out of luck: Edward Anderson's Hungry Men
Out of School, Out of Work Out of Luck?
In the Dark and Out of Luck