A METHOD FOR SUPPORTING A MOBILE STATION TO CARRY OUT RANGING AND CORRESPONDING BASE STATION AND RELAY STATIONPolymers comprising vinyl esters-crotonic acidINVESTIGATION OF THE EFFECT OF BASE BLEED ON THRUST PERFORMANCE OF A TRUNCATED AEROSPIKE NOZZLE IN OFF-DESIGN CONDITIONSThe "Life starts at 36"-project: development of wind turbine generator transformers above 36kVComparison of two-way ranging with FMCW and UWB radar systemsA search for molecular outflows toward the pre-main-sequence objectsDoes the correlation between self and ingroup/outgroup depend on group favorability?Decay Spectroscopy by Ranging Out Contaminant BeamsOutdoor ranging of poultry: a major risk factor for the introduction and development of High-Pathogenicity Avian InfluenzaWhy You Should Join FIRST Robotics