- The sky was overclouded.
天空被乌云所遮住。 - Her face was overclouded with grief.
Design of SaaS OverCloud for 3-tier SaaS Compatibility over Cloud-based Multiple Boxes
Verification of IoT-Cloud Services with Function Stitching Testing over OverCloud Supporting Diverse SaaS Applications
Enhanced TPA Scheme to Improve Access Permissions Development Overcloud Architecture
What is undercloud and what is overcloud?
RACE: real-time applications over cloud-edge
Shortwave aerosol radiative forcing over cloud‐free oceans from Terra: 2. Seasonal and global distributions
Testing as a Service over Cloud
Analysis of the POLDER polarization measurements performed over cloud covers
On Verifying Dynamic Multiple Data Copies over Cloud Servers
Satellite‐based assessment of top of atmosphere anthropogenic aerosol radiative forcing over cloud‐free oceans