Biomechanics of Overhand Throwing with Implications for Injuries
Shoulder instability in the overhand or throwing athlete
Constraints for action selection: Overhand versus underhand grips.
Classification and treatment of rotator cuff injuries in the overhand athlete
Shoulder pain in the overhand or throwing athlete. The relationship of anterior instability and rotator cuff impingement.
Effects of Training on Gender Differences in Overhand Throwing: A Brief Quantitative Literature Analysis
Anterior capsulolabral reconstruction of the shoulder in athletes in overhand sports.
Arthroscopic Findings in the Overhand Throwing Athlete: Evidence for Posterior Internal Impingement of the Rotator Cuff * **
Biomechanics of overhand throwing with implications for injuries. (Biomecaniques du lancer par dessus l ' epaule et consequences con...
Biceps activity during windmill softball pitching: injury implications and comparison with overhand throwing