Managing retail channel overstock: markdown money and return policies
An economic analysis of bio-energy options using thinnings from overstocked forests
Short communication: Relationship between competitive success during displacements at an overstocked feed bunk and measures of physi...
Line thinning enhances diversity of Coleoptera in overstocked Cryptomeria japonica plantations in central Japan
Rangeland management : more emphasis needed on declining and overstocked grazing allotments : report to congressional requesters
Evaluation of sap flow density of Acacia melanoxylon R. Br. (blackwood) trees in overstocked stands in north-western Iberian Penins...
A Nomogram for Predicting Precommercial Thinning Costs in Overstocked Spruce-Fir Stands
System, program product, and methods for online image handling
Inventory balancing system
Who should control inventory in a supply chain?