- Recessing the oxidizer tube improves stability.
氧化剂管的凹陷使稳定性增强。 - The fuel and oxidizer are kerosene and liquid oxygen, respectively.
Slurry containing multi-oxidizer and nano-abrasives for tungsten CMP
Links between ammonia oxidizer community structure, abundance, and nitrification potential in acidic soils.
Cultivation of an obligate acidophilic ammonia oxidizer from a nitrifying acid soil
Cohn's Crenothrix Is a Filamentous Methane Oxidizer with an Unusual Methane Monooxygenase
Kinetic characteristics of ammonium-oxidizer communities in a California oak woodland-annual grassland
Comparative Diversity of Ammonia Oxidizer 16S rRNA Gene Sequences in Native, Tilled, and Successional Soils
A new approach to thermochemical calculations of condensed fuel-oxidizer mixtures
Molybdenum-containing arsenite oxidase of the chemolithoautotrophic arsenite oxidizer NT-26.
Analysis of β-Subgroup Proteobacterial Ammonia Oxidizer Populations in Soil by Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis Analysis and...
Effect of Toxic Metals on Indigenous Soil β-Subgroup Proteobacterium Ammonia Oxidizer Community Structure and Protection against To...