- Fish of larger rivers of China similar to the Mississippi paddlefish.
PaddlefishPaddlefishPaddlefishBiology and conservation of sturgeon and paddlefishStatus, trends and management of sturgeon and paddlefish fisheriesContemporary status of the North American paddlefish, Polyodon spathulaContemporary status of the North American paddlefish, Polyodon spathulaSensitivity of North American sturgeons and paddlefish to fishing mortalitySensitivity of North American sturgeons and paddlefish to fishing mortalityBiology, fisheries, and conservation of sturgeons and paddlefish in ChinaBiology, fisheries, and conservation of sturgeons and paddlefish in ChinaSynchronization of the Noisy Electrosensitive Cells in the PaddlefishHabitat suitability index models and instream flow suitability curves: paddlefish