- Did you remember to padlock the gate?
你是否记得用挂锁把大门锁上? - She padlocked her bike to the railings.
她用挂锁把自行车和栏杆锁在一起。 - The gate was padlocked.
Padlock using user's fingerprint as its key
Rolling circle replication of padlock probes
Padlock probes: circularizing oligonucleotides for localized DNA detection.
Signal amplification of padlock probes by rolling circle replication.
A microRNA detection system based on padlock probes and rolling circle amplification.
Parallel gene analysis with allele-specific padlock probes and tag microarrays.
Diagnostic application of padlock probes—multiplex detection of plant pathogens using universal microarrays
Amplification of padlock probes for DNA diagnostics by cascade rolling circle amplification or the polymerase chain reaction
Padlock probes reveal single-nucleotide differences, parent of origin and in situ distribution of centromeric sequences in human chr...
In situ genotyping individual DNA molecules by target-primed rolling-circle amplification of padlock probes