- Hector Ruiz's son Diego is currently in the paediatrics ward at the hospital.
Collected papers: Through paediatrics to psycho-analysis.
Evidence based paediatrics: Evidence based management of childhood obesity.
Presentation of new GINA guidelines for paediatrics. The Global Initiative on Asthma.
132: Pediatric Intravenous Line Longevity | Paediatrics & Child Health | Oxford Academic
Case 2: A three-year-old boy with fever and neck pain | Paediatrics & Child Health | Oxford Academic
Case 1: Back pain in a boy with Duchenne muscular dystrophy | Paediatrics & Child Health | Oxford Academic
185: Subjective Fever Assessment in Children by Palpation – Are Fathers as Reliable as Mothers? | Paediatrics & Child Health | Oxfo...
84: Extended Interval Gentamicin Dosing in Preterm Neonates Less Than 35 Weeks Corrected Gestational Age | Paediatrics & Child Healt...
1: Very Preterm Infants with Necrotizing Enterocolitis and Sepsis Demonstrate Slower Brain Metabolic Development | Paediatrics & Chi...
Measuring antimicrobial use in hospitalized patients: a systematic review of available measures applicable to paediatrics | Journal ...