
英 ['peɪntɪŋz]
美 ['peɪntɪŋz]
  • n.

    上油漆( painting的名词复数 );作画;(一幅)水彩画;涂漆

  • 英英释义

    painting[ 'peintiŋz ]

    • n.
      • graphic art consisting of an artistic composition made by applying paints to a surface

        "a small painting by Picasso"; "he bought the painting as an investment"


      • creating a picture with paints

        "he studied painting and sculpture for many years"

      • the act of applying paint to a surface

        "you can finish the job of painting faster with a roller than with a brush"

      • the occupation of a house painter

        "house painting was the only craft he knew"

        同义词:house painting



    chinese painting国画

    oil painting油画;油画艺术

    landscape painting风景画,山水画

    traditional chinese painting国画;中国画

    spray painting喷涂

    wall painting n. 壁画

    watercolor painting水彩画

    lacquer painting漆画

    mural painting壁画

    painting work涂装工作

    brush painting毛笔画

    realistic painting写实绘画

    body painting人体彩绘;身体彩绘

    abstract painting抽象画;抽象绘画

    genre painting风俗画(以日常生活为题材之写实画);浮世绘

    painting brush画笔;油画毛笔

    scroll painting画轴,卷轴画

    electrostatic painting静电喷涂,静电喷漆

    easel painting架上绘画;架上画

    painting workshop喷漆车间,喷涂车间



    1. Her paintings hang in the National Gallery.
    2. She plans to show her paintings early next year.
    3. This group of brilliant paintings reaches the climax of the painter's artistry.
    4. For every good painting you might turn out, there are a zillion bad paintings just aching to drip off your brush.


    Fractal analysis of Pollock's drip paintings
    Effort after meaning and the hedonic value of paintings.
    Diffusion rendering of black ink paintings using new paper and ink models
    Studying digital imagery of ancient paintings by mixtures of stochastic models
    Neuroanatomical correlates of aesthetic preference for paintings.
    The religious paintings of Eugène Delacroix (1798-1863) : the initiator of the style of modern religious art
    Virtual restoration of ancient Chinese paintings using color contrast enhancement and lacuna texture synthesis
    Entitling art: Influence of title information on understanding and appreciation of paintings
    Differentiation of antique ceramics from the Raman spectra of their coloured glazes and paintings
    Phylogenetic diversity of bacteria associated with Paleolithic paintings and surrounding rock walls in two Spanish caves (Llonín an...