pairwise error probability



Exact pairwise error probability of space-time codes
The Amplify-and-Forward Half-Duplex Cooperative System: Pairwise Error Probability and Precoder Design
Exact pairwise error probability of space-time codes
Correction to: "Exact pairwise error probability of space-time codes'' [IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 48 (2002), no. 2, 510–513; MR189...
The Amplify-and-Forward Half-Duplex Cooperative System: Pairwise Error Probability and Precoder Design
The pairwise error probability and precoder design for amplify-and-forward half-duplex cooperative system
New bounds of pairwise error probability for space-time codes in Rayleigh fading channels
On pairwise error probability of space-time codes
New Bounds of Pairwise Error Probability for Space-Time Codes in Rayleigh Fading Channels
Analysis of the pairwise error probability of noninterleaved codes on the Rayleigh-fading channel