Palestra inaugural: gravidez na adolescência: consideraçöes preliminares sobre as dimensöes culturais de um problema socialQueijo de Coalho: Princípios básicos da fabricação (Palestra)Comments on Presressing Design of the Palestra,Guiyang Olympic CenterPalestra Carlo Severi - Transmutating beings A proposal for an anthropology of thought - 17.4.18Mechanically locking blood clot filterHuman secretory immunoglobulin A may contribute to biofilm formation in the gutPercutaneous gastrostomy and gastrojejunostomy with gastropexy: experience in 701 proceduresPrevalence of tic disorders among primary school students in the city of Pavia, Italy.A population-based survey on gastrointestinal tract symptoms and Helicobacter pylori infection in children and adolescentsSignificance of post-cholecystectomy subhepatic fluid collections