Contrasting effects of type 2 and type 1 diabetes on plasma RBP4 levels: The significance of transthyretinEicosapentaenoic acid inhibits intestinal β-Carotene absorption by downregulation of lipid transporter expression via PPAR-α depen...Citric Acid Mediates the Iron Absorption from Low Molecular Weight Human Milk FractionsDietary fat composition, food matrix and relative polarity modulate the micellarization and intestinal uptake of carotenoids from ve...Characterization of iron-binding phosphopeptide released by gastrointestinal digestion of egg whiteEffect of oxytocin injection to milching buffaloes on its content & stability in milkNear-Field Antenna Radome Based on Extremely Anisotropic MetamaterialInternational Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Technology (IJIET) Ridge Regression for the Prediction of Compressive Streng...FINANCIAL AND TRANSACTION CONSULTANTComparative study on the properties of PVC/TPU blends prepared by single screw and twin screw extruder