- A palindrome has yet to be found.
这之间仍未出现回文数。 - The palindrome structure is one of the prominent features of Berg's Music.
Palindrome resolution and recombination in the mammalian germ line.
A 13 bp palindrome is a functional estrogen responsive element and interacts specifically with estrogen receptor.
The ocs element: a 16 base pair palindrome essential for activity of the octopine synthase enhancer
The macronuclear ribosomal DNA of Tetrahymena pyriformis is a palindrome
Palindrome with Spacer of One Nucleotide Is Characteristic of thecis-Acting Unfolded Protein Response Element inSaccharomyces cerevi...
Clustered regularly interspaced short palindrome repeats (CRISPRs) have spacers of extrachromosomal origin
Oligodeoxynucleotides containing palindrome sequences with internal 5'-CpG-3' act directly on human NK and activated T cells to indu...
The sbcC and sbcD genes of Escherichia coli encode a nuclease involved in palindrome inviability and genetic recombination
Interaction of the adeno-associated virus Rep protein with a sequence within the A palindrome of the viral terminal repeat.
A versatile class of positive-selection vectors based on the nonviability of palindrome-containing plasmids that allows cloning into...