- Paperwork consumed much of the committee's time.
文书工作耗费了委员会许多时间。 - Behind the desk a single clerk busied himself with paperwork.
桌子后面,一名职员正在埋头处理文书工作。 - My secretary can not cope with the backlog of paperwork
Schedule and paperwork organizer
Research ethics paperwork: What is the plot we seem to have lost?
French research would benefit from less paperwork, says report
Point of care technology: impact on people and paperwork
Paperwork, management, and safety: Towards a bureaucratization of working life and a lack of hands-on supervision
The powers of problem definition: The case of government paperwork
Concept mapping: reducing clinical care plan paperwork and increasing learning
SPeNSE: Study of Personnel Needs in Special Education. Final Report of the Paperwork Substudy.
Genre Systems at Work: DSM-IV and Rhetorical Recontextualization in Psychotherapy Paperwork
Method and device for organizing, storing, transporting and retrieving paperwork and documents associated with the paperwork-generat...