papillatepapillateA papillate Phytophthora species with specificity to RubusDescription of a papillate tactile organ in the TyphlopidaePapillate Tepal Hoods and Delayed Pollen Germination in Albuca L. (Liliaceae)A revised systematics of twelve papillate Phytophthora species based on isozyme analysis.Giant hepatobiliary cystadenoma in a male with obvious convex papillateStigma Morphology in the Leguminosae: The Wet, Papillate (WP) Stigma in CaesalpinioideaeThe morphology of the wet, non-papillate (WN) stigma form in the tribe Caesalpinieae (Caesalpinioideae: Leguminosae).Molecular characterization of Phytophthora isolates with non-papillate sporangia causing root rot of raspberry using mtDNA restrict...