Parasitic Infections as Regulators of Animal Populations: The dynamic relationship between parasites and their host populations offe...Predatory behaviour of trapping fungi against srf mutants of Caenorhabditis elegans and different plant and animal parasitic nematod...Standardized nomenclature of animal parasitic diseases (SNOAPAD).Herbal remedies in animal parasitic diseases in Nigeria: A reviewPatterns and processes in the evolution of animal parasitic nematodesSense or nonsense? Traditional methods of animal parasitic disease control.A genetic map of the animal-parasitic nematode Strongyloides rattiThe rôle of wild life in the epizootiology of some infectious and parasitic animal diseases in South AfricaVaccines against animal parasitic nematodesA COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THE MOVEMENT OF SOME MICROPHAGOUS, PLANT-PARASITIC AND ANIMAL-PARASITIC NEMATODES