- I guess thitss the fun part of the parenthood.
我想这就是为人父母的最大乐趣吧。 - The book takes a humorous look at parenthood.
Parenthood and Marital Satisfaction: A Meta-Analytic Review
Women and Men in Marriage, Work, and Parenthood.
Adolescent pregnancy and parenthood. Recent evidence and future directions
Policies for Reconciling Parenthood and Employment: Drawing Lessons from Europe
Families That Work:Policies for Reconciling Parenthood and Employment
Families that work: Policies for reconciling parenthood and employment
Gender in families: Women and men in marriage, work, and parenthood.
Social consequences of psychiatric disorders, II: Teenage parenthood
Stability and Change in Marriage across the Transition to Parenthood
Patterns of marital change across the transition to parenthood: Pregnancy to three years postpartum.