ParousiaParousiaParousia, Sympathy and Sensory PresentationPolitics of Parousia: Reading Mark Inter(Con)TextuallyDescribing the Parousia. The Cosmic Phenomena in Mk 13,24-25Book Review: Paul and the Parousia: An Exegetical and Theological InvestigationThe Focus of Mark 13: 24-27: The Parousia, or the Destruction of the Temple?Resurrection and Parousia: A Traditio-Historical Study of Paul's Eschatology in 1 Corinthians 15 by Joost HollemanPaul's epistolary presence in Corinth: A new look at Robert W. Funk's Apostolic ParousiaConversion, Justice, and Mercy at the Parousia: Liturgical Apocalypses from Eighth-Century Northumbria, on the Ruthwell and Bewcastl...