Participial Passive and Aspect in RussianPARTICIPIAL COMPLEMENTATION IN LITHUANIANThe triple origin of participial perception verb complementsThe participial construction of Dolakha Newar: syntactic implications of an Asian converbOn Participial Relatives and Complementizer${\rm D}^{0}$: A Case Study in Hebrew and FrenchThe unaccusative hypothesis and participial absolutes in Italian: 1735Towards a Finer-Grained Theory of Italian Participial Clausal ArchitectureGrammaticalization and lexicalization effects in participial morphologyAccusative-Assigning Participial -no/to Constructions in Ukrainian, Polish, and Neighboring Languages: An Annotated Bibliography. Pa...Grammaticalization and lexicalization effects in participial morphology: A Construction Grammar approach to language change