Why Not Partner With Local Government?DsRed as a potential FRET partner with CFP and GFP.Theoretical Chemistry Comes Alive: Full Partner with ExperimentBecoming a social partner with peers: cooperation and social understanding in one- and two-year-oldsPRMT11: a new Arabidopsis MBD7 protein partner with arginine methyltransferase activity.HLA class I molecules partner with integrin β4 to stimulate endothelial cell proliferation and migration.Capacity of hospitals to partner with academia to meet experiential education requirements for pharmacy students.Eco-friendly dyeing of wool using natural dye from weld as co-partner with synthetic dyeCollaborating for New Product Development: Selecting the Partner with Maximum Potential to Create ValueUnprotected anal intercourse among HIV-positive men who have a steady male sex partner with negative or unknown HIV serostatus.