- The modification of the notch filter made the extra phase-shifting introduced to the control system passband reduced and so the control performance was improved.
Design techniques for dual-passband filters
Coupling-Matrix Design of Dual and Triple Passband Filters
Design of microstrip bandpass filters with a dual-passband response
Spurious passband suppression in microstrip coupled line band pass filters by means of split ring resonators
Design of Dual- and Triple-Passband Filters Using Alternately Cascaded Multiband Resonators
Tri-Band Bandpass Filter With Sharp Passband Skirts Designed Using Tri-Section SIRs
New microstrip “Wiggly-Line” filters with spurious passband suppression
Frequency routing device having a wide and substantially flat passband
New microstrip “Wiggly-Line” filters with spurious passband suppression
A novel compact ring dual-mode filter with adjustable second-passband for dual-band applications