- The purse was picked up by a passer.
钱包被一个过路人捡到了。 - Somebody passing by asked me the way to the post office.
Chained displays:configurations of public displays can be used to influence actor-, audience-, and passer-by behavior
A New Actor or Passer-By? The Political Economy of Turkey's Engagement with Africa
Superior Vena Cava‐Aorta Ganglionated Plexus: An Arbitrator of the Heart or Just a Passer‐By?
P2S: A Primary and Passer-by Scheduling Algorithm for On-demand Charging Architecture in Wireless Rechargeable Sensor Networks
The ethics of passer-by diagnosis
As seen by a passer-by
The characteristic evaluation of the information propagation model by the passer-by transmission.
The Building and Significent Issue of the Theme of "Existism"in Passer-by
Passer-by: Mooching in the Setting Sun