Hisdramalanguage can be characterised bystrongartisticpassionateness,vividnessandphilosophicalness.
Indifference: About the Unrisponsiveness and Passionateness of the Unconcerned
The passionateness of being: The legacy of Bernard Lonergan, S.J
Anti-Empathy and Dispassionateness in Adjudication
The Second Empire
Combining Two Perspectives on Classifying Multimodal Data for Recognizing Speaker Traits
Combining Two Perspectives on Classifying Multimodal Data for Recognizing Speaker Traits
Counting the Affects: Discoursing in Numbers
Politics Improper: Iris Marion Young, Hannah Arendt, and the Power of Performativity
The Ambiguousnesses: Linguistic Invention in Pierre
Entre as quatro linhas : da crônica sobre o futebol ao colunismo esportivo ou da profissionalização do futebol e do cronista