- I pathetically pleaded with my guides to stop, if only because they were destroying what would one day be a tourist jewel of the city.
Your words have been 'pathetically weak': Marco Rubio gets an earful at CNN town hall on Parkland shooting
A Pathetically Moving Lyric ——Analysing the Poeticized Art in Glass Menagerie
Puzzles: A Pathetically Neglected, Commonly Available Resource
The Human Cost of Archer's Lie; He Went on to a Peerage and Vast Wealth. She Returned to the North Pathetically Damaged. Now Her Lif...
Principal allies herself with Haitian dictators.(treats erring Haitian students pathetically)(Brief Article)
Pathetically Poor Embryos
Do medical students respond empathetically to a virtual patient?
Program evaluation of nursing school instruction in measuring students' perceived competence to empathetically communicate with pati...
'Empathetically Correct' Is the New Politically Correct
Disclosing unexpected outcomes and medical error.