- He had hearty distaste for songs of pathos.
他极不爱听感伤歌曲。 - Its tone is rather of an obvious pathos.
它的基调流露出十分明显的凄怆。 - Every word he uttered was full of pathos and sublimity.
Ethos and pathos from Aristotle to Cicero
The pathos of power: A psychological perspective.
Metaphysical Pathos and the Theory of Bureaucracy.
Beckett and Badiou: The Pathos of Intermittency
Ethos , logos , pathos : Strategies of persuasion in social/environmental reports
The Literary Rhetoric of Science: Comedy and Pathos in Drinking Driver Research
Fear-arousing and empathy-arousing appeals to help: The pathos of persuasion.
Uncle Tom and Mr. Charlie: metaphysical pathos in the study of racism and personal disorganization
The evolutionary significance of depression in Pathogen Host Defense (PATHOS-D)
Postoperative Analgesic THerapy Observational Survey (PATHOS): A practice pattern study in 7 Central/Southern European countries