Patrial Versus Total Halting in P SystemsFluvicola nengeta (Linnaeus, 1766) nos estados do Paraná e Mato Grosso do Sul e sua expansão de distribuição geográfica pelo su...Aves da Serra de Maracaju, Mato Grosso do Sul, BrasilMulti-view ear recognition by patrial least square discriminationMinimally invasive redo mitral valve surgery without aortic crossclamp.First records of the Crested Black-Tyrant (Knipolegus lophotes, Tyrannidae) in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul, BrazilAlcohol sensor based on u-bent hetero-structured fiber opticPROBLEMATIK PROSEDUR PERGANTIAN HAKIM MAHKAMAH KONSTITUSI (Studi Kasus Pengangkatan Patrialis Akbar sebagai Hakim Mahkamah Konstitus...Constantine the Great: a patrial accountPeran kementrian hukun dan hak asasi manusia dalam menciptakan supremasi hukum