- Patton lusted to seize that opportunity.
巴顿急急火火地要抓住这个机遇。 - General Patton never falters in his determination.
Qualitative research & evaluation methods /Multiple modes of shear failure in rock.Qualitative evaluation and research methods, 2nd ed.Factor structure of the Barratt impulsiveness scale.Robust Model-Based Fault Diagnosis for Dynamic SystemsThe Evaluation of Qualitative Research MethodsThe job satisfaction-job performance relationship: a qualitative and quantitative review.Robust Model-Based Fault Diagnosis for Dynamic SystemsBarratt ES: factor structure of the Barratt Impulsiveness ScaleChemInform Abstract: SILICOALUMINOPHOSPHATE MOLECULAR SIEVES: ANOTHER NEW CLASS OF MICROPOROUS CRYSTALLINE INORGANIC SOLIDS