- Scotland has its own criminal law.
苏格兰有它自己的刑法。 - Civil law is different to criminal law.
Principles of penal law
International Criminal Law Conventions and Their Penal Provisions. Edited by Bassiouni M. Cherif . (Irvington-on-Hudson NY: Tran...
Politics and Criminal Law: Revision of the New York State Penal Law on Prostitution
Codification of Criminal Law in the United States: The Model Penal Code
Multiculturalism: A Challenge for Modern Criminal Law (El multiculturalismo: Un Desafío Para el Derecho Penal moderno)
Offences against Property in the Internet Environment: Difficulties in their Definition in Estonian Penal Law. Supreme Court Judgmen...
Penal Characteristics of Conventional International Criminal Law, The
The European Union and Penal Law
Offensive Behavior and German Penal Law
Araxe5: Appeal for the Liberation of the Urnings's Nature from Penal Law (trans. James Steakley); new translation of extract in Blas...