Penial applianceThe penial morphology and the relationship of cryptodiran turtlesPenial Morphology in Uruguayan Species of Ctenomys (Rodentia: Octodontidae)Semi-rigid penial prosthesis for the treatment of impotence in the erectionA note on some sacoglossan penial styles (Gastropoda: Opisthobranchia)Interspecific Variation in Penial Characters in the Genus Ctenomys (Rodentia: Octodontidae)Functional morphology of the mammiliform penial glands of Littorina saxatilis (Gastropoda)Penial morphology in three species of Brazilian tuco-tucos, Ctenomys torquatus, C. minutus, and C. flamarioni (Rodentia: Ctenomyidae).Structure and differentiation of penial hard elements in Carenscoilia bidentata Sopott (Turbellaria, Proseriata)The genus Emydura (Testudines: Chelidae) in New Guinea with notes on the penial morphology of Pleurodira