Security in Ad Hoc Networks: a General Intrusion Detection Architecture Enhancing Trust Based ApproachesA fully distributed IDS for MANETA fully distributed IDS for MANETPrediction and mitigation of disruptions in ASDEX UpgradeCarbon layers in the divertor of ASDEX UpgradeStable expression of human cytochrome P450 2E1 in V79 Chinese hamster cellsThe thalamic territory of cerebellar afferents and the lateral region of the thalamus of the macaque in sterotaxic ventricular coord...A Comparison of Foraging Behavior in Two “Percher” Dragonflies, Pachydiplax longipennis and Erythemis simplicicollis (Odonata: Lib...ANISEED 2015: a digital framework for the comparative developmental biology of ascidiansMETHOD AND APPARATUS FOR ADDRESSING DIFFERENT DATA POINTS FROM A CENTRAL STATION